1st Year Electrical Apprentice Jobs

Being an electrician is an extremely satisfying and financially rewarding career. The key to getting started is finding an apprenticeship. Get the education you need and start your 1st year electrical apprentice job at Independent Electrical Contractors.

A high school education with a strong foundation in math is a necessity (so stay in school kids!). The stronger your math skills, the better you will handle the technical details of electrical engineering.

Beyond high school, seek technical training in the electrical field at an Independent Electrical Contractors (IEC) training center. With 50 locations across the United States, there is no excuse.

Your IEC electrical apprenticeship will lead to your passing the IEC National Certified Professional Electrical Exam. This will prepare you for a career as a professional electrician and it will provide you with proof of competency in the form of an IEC National Certified Professional Electrician Certificate, wallet card, and recognition from IEC National.

1st year electrical apprentice jobs don't grow on trees, but you will find one at the IEC. Click here to find your nearest IEC training center or use the contact form on this page to get started on your career today!



What are you waiting for? Start building a rewarding career in the electrical field today!

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